Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Image and Health: Bones Are Not the Way To Go


There's a huge difference between being healthy, and being too skinny. If you compare yourself to artificial super models, you might start to feel like an over sized beached whale. But truly, many stars and models out there today are on no-food diets and eat kale chips and blended fiber smoothies, possibly twice a day. Oh, and then they throw it up. Anorexia is a common, yet hidden problem with teens around us these days. Many teenage girls especially have this idea that skinny means bones showing and skipping out on a day of eating. The hidden truth behind anorexia and eating disorders is that they can lead to death, more often than not. Here are some facts on eating disorders:
  • 1 in 10 cases of eating disorders lead to death by starvation
  • Eating disorders can cause cardiac arrest
  • Those with eating disorders are more likely to attempt suicide
Yes, teenage girls and even guys in some cases can hate their image and want to change it, but shutting out food is not the way to go, If you want to be thin and still be healthy, know your limits and do not supply yourself with too few many calories a day.  Any diet that tells you 400 calories or less a day is okay for you, it is a total lie. You need the proper, recommended amounts of nutrients and water to live a healthy life. Anorexia and bulimia is NOT healthy. There's no need for anyone to be ashamed or unhappy with how they look. As long as you keep yourself healthy, there should be no reason to want to be bone-thin like unfortunately some people feel.

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