Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Movie Review: Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor is a movie based on the true story of four Navy Seals set out on a covert mission to neutralize a high-level Taliban operative, and his army of men in Afghanistan. Their attempts to confirm the presence of the Taliban terrorist failed because of poor communication with the base keeping track of their steps. The four men are then left to depend on themselves and their brotherhood in order to survive. They face an army of Taliban men willing to do anything to kill the Americans. This movie shows the strength and bond of brotherhood of the military and the brave SEALS who risk their lives each day for the safety of America. The "lone survivor", Marcus Luttrell, lived through the agony to tell the story of what himself and his brothers, Michael P. Murphy, Danny Dietz, and Matthew Axelson endured in Afghanistan. 
This movie deserved more than 5 out of 5 stars, if that is even possible. To watch what these brave men went through to keep us safe in America makes you appreciate that we do not have to live through war each and every day. Mark Wahlberg did an amazing job at fulfilling the role of Marcus Luttrell and what he accomplished as leading his team as far as he could before fate took over. Not only do you appreciate the Navy Seals, but you see a side of Afghanistan people that is not mentioned when speaking about the war.  When Marcus Luttrell needed help and no where left to turn, a tribal leader in an Arghan village names Mohammad Gulab put his life and his families life in danger to protect this stranger. His tribe has a code where they are required to help any one who comes to them in need, under any circumstances. Without Mohammad Gulab, Marcus would not be alive today and living on the legacy of his fallen brothers. More movies like Lone Survivor need to be more public over insane movies like Wolf of Wall Street, where naked girls and drugs are what makes the movie entertaining to most people. Lone Survivor shows the true dedication of a group of Navy Seals and what they did to protect us. 
If you have a faint heart and cannot face the sight of blood or gruesome events, I would not recommend you watching Lone Survivor. However, if you can get past the blood and watch this movie, I would highly recommend you taking the time to watch this movie and hopefully you get the same feeling I did after watching it. This movie truly deserves 5 stars for the acting and true story they portrayed in an amazing and emotional way. 
P.S; If you tend to be an emotional person, or maybe if you have a heart, I would insist on bringing tissues for the movie, especially during the end.


  1. Your enthusiasm for this movie makes me want to see it. Also it sounds like it represents the true story very well.

  2. I went to see this movie and I wish I had known the amount of reality and blood and gore and need for tissues to prepare myself, but I totally agree with your 5+ star rating. It was very moving.
